Tuesday, April 7, 2009

English-German-Indonesian Translation Service Offer

Dear Prospective Customers,

We live in a global information era and language plays an important role in a global communication. There are some languages that are internationally spoken for many purposes in the areas of business, science and technology, and also arts and culture. It is necessary in the business area for the producers who aim at winning global market to use such international languages in their marketing efforts. It is also necessary for the members of scientific society to use the languages in communicating their scientific works and findings. The languages also play an important role in technology transfer.

I am a freelance English-German-Indonesian Translator, member of Association of Indonesian Translators (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia/HPI at http://www.hpi.or.id ID Number: HPI-01-12-0593) and wish herewith to offer you a professional translation service.

I translate cross-disciplinary texts (e.g., economics, sociology, philosophy, architecture, technique, medicine, etc.) for scientific purpose such as journals, articles, scholarly papers, and books. I also translate documentary texts for legal and business purposes.

The translation services I offer are of the kind of human translation ones and not machine translation ones. There are indeed some computer programs that are written for the purpose, such as Transtool or any other. Indeed, they give reasonably good results in case of European languages as the source and target languages and need only minor human editing for refinement. However, they have not been able to give reasonably good results in case of European languages and Indonesian both as the source and target languages and vice versa because they are grammatically of different types. European languages belong to Indo-European family, which are grammatically of the type of flexion (i.e., declination and conjugation) and semantically multi-concept, while Indonesian is grammatically of the type of non-flexion and semantically mono-concept. Therefore, the machine translation results of the grammatically and semantically different languages require a lot of human editing for refinement and even the translation results of high difficulty level texts are often unacceptable. Thus, the human translation method is the right choice.

Here are the details of the translation rate:

a. The translation rate of English or German–Indonesian and vice versa is U.S. $0.05 per word. Of course, it is negotiable!

b. The customers will receive the print out of the translation results and also the CD containing the soft copy of the files of the translation results in Microsoft Word and in other possible formats as PDF of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

c. The customers can send the materials to translate via airmail or cargo forwarding agency such as Fedex or DHL or via Internet to my email address.

d. The materials of the translation results will be sent in the same way.

e. The texts will be translated once I have accepted the down payment of the translation service, which is 50% of the total predicted cost.

f. The payment should be transferred to my following bank account: (Provided immediately before the transfer!)

Please never hesitate to ask me questions for more information about me and my translation service! And, thank you for your kind attention.

Best regards,
Mr. Nordeen Abdellah
English-German-Indonesian Translator

Monday, April 6, 2009

Als Uebersetzer freiberuflich Arbeiten

Es war schon lange vor dem Abschlub seines Studiums in der Deutschabteilung der Pädagogischen Hochschule in 1996 dass Herr Nordeen sich mit der Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch-Indonesisch beschäftigt hat. Er versuchte was zu verkaufen, das er ja eigentlich hatte. Er hatte Englisch- und Deutschkenntnisse, die verkauft werden konnte, um etwas Geld zu verdienen und arbeitete er seither freiberuflich als Englisch-Deutsch-Indonesischer Übersetzer. Er gab der ersten Partei, die solche Bestellung erhält, 15% von dem Wert jeder Bestellung, die er schon erledigt hat und bezahlt werden hat.

Mittlerweile, Herr Nordeen versuchte auch, die Kunden seines Übersetzungsdiensts zu identifizieren, die die Übersetzungsdienst von der ersten Partei bestellen haben, so dass er sich selbst später mit den Bestellungen befassen konnte und deshalb konnte er sein Einkommen 15% erhöhen. Es war ihm gelungen, die Bestellungen zu befassen und bestätigt er bis heutige Zeit mit der freiberuflichen Übersetzungsarbeit, sich mit seiner eigenen Bestellungen zu beschäftigen. Es ist schon was lange Zeit bis den Moment, in dem er denkt, das Geschäft mit seiner ganzen Kraft zu leiten. Endlich entscheidet er, einen Kiosk zu mieten und das Geschäft zu operieren.

Er renovierte den Kiosk und funktionierte ihn als sein Büro, wo er sich die Bestellung der Übersetzungsdienst seiner eigenen Kunden befasste. Er stellte eine Planke vor dem Büro, die den vorbeigehenden Leuten sein Übersetzungsgeschäft zeigte. Er nennt sein Geschäft “EGITS”, das die Abkürzungen von Englisch-German-Indonesian Translation Service ist.

Neulich beschäftigt er sich mit Internet, um seine Übersetzungsdienst auf den Markt zu bringen.

Working as Freelance Translator

It was long before the completion of his German study in the Institute of Teacher Training and Pedagogical Sciences that Mr. Nordeen tried to sell what he had. He was able speak both English and German. It was these abilities that he could sell for some money to support his life. Therefore, he worked as freelance English-German-Indonesian translator, handled second hand translation order and gave the first party receiving the order 15% of the money.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nordeen also tried to find the way to identify who were his real customers who made the order for the first party and to receive the order of his own. His effort was successful. That way he was able to increase his income by 15%. He has been doing the job up to the present. It has been quite long that he did the job till the moment he thought to operate the business in a more serious manner.

Ultimately, he decided to make the plan of a small and simple business and hence he rented a very simple outlet and modified it into an office-like outlet for him to make the translation transaction of his own. He placed a plank in front of the outlet indicating the name of his small business of English-German-Indonesian translation service and called the business EGITS. The outlet is the place where he operates his own business up to the present.

Recently, he makes use of Internet to do the marketing efforts of his translation service.